I LOVE ice cream! Here’s an incredible recipe for Green Pineapple Protein Ice Cream that’s easy to make, tastes amazing and HELPS you towards your fat loss results...
I think it is SO COOL that we can enjoy recipes like this that taste just like our favorite comfort foods while still burning fat, feeling great and optimizing our health and immunity.
Speaking of optimizing our health and immunity...
Do you get enough daily greens in your diet to support a healthy immune system? It’s tough to actually get enough fresh servings of greens each day - and green juices contain harmful sugars - and this is why we created Trulean Powdered Greens. One scoop each day provides you with the nutritional foundation you need to fill in any gaps made by not consuming enough fresh greens in your diet.
As a cancer survivor (this month is my 5-yr anniversary being free of malignant melanoma!) I have made it a daily practice to include greens in my diet, on the advice of my doctor, as a way to protect myself from a relapse in my health. I love Trulean Powdered Greens because it tastes sweet without containing the harmful sugars that I seek to avoid - both for my health and for my figure.
Servings: 4
Keywords: Protein, Ice cream, Pineapple, Everyday Fit