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5 Daily Habits To Improve Your Nutrition and Health

Perhaps you or someone you know needs to desperately make a lasting change for their health or nutrition. 

You can no longer go on accepting the person staring back at you in the mirror. The pain of remaining the same is now exceeding the pain that comes from changing.

But how does one go about making a truly lasting change? The truth is your emotions are in one hundred percent control of the habits you have now and it’s time to make some changes.

First, I searched “Get healthy” and discovered there are 2 billion plus results that popped up within a second.

It was like having information overload and a real panic began setting in. I was feeling so overwhelmed. Have you ever been there yourself before?

It’s at this exact time I reflected back to my extremely successful sporting days and remembered the following time tested success principle. When we were truly the most successful it’s when we were stacking the little wins and keeping things simple.

Here’s The 5 Winning Habits You Need To Start Stacking Together Now


My business relied on data driven decisions, so the first logical step was to track multiple data points. I tracked my weight, body fat, muscle mass and a couple other metrics on a daily basis.


I drank nothing but a ton of coffee. No joke, I’d consume anywhere from 5 to 7 cups a day. I was chronically dehydrated and suffered from horrendous headaches. It was clear I needed to drink more water.

At this time I had no idea of what “good” looked like but I figured four liters a day or about one gallon was a great starting point. The headaches soon disappeared and I had more mental clarity. Plus I had more energy and the cravings I use to have previously started to disappear.

Most people are dehydrated and I was most people. 

If you're having a tough time getting in your water, try Everyday Fit™ Water Enhancer. 

Everyday Fit™ is a vitamin-enhanced super powder that dissolves easily in water and is a great replacement for sugary sodas or fruit juices. This water supplement has just 5 calories, is sugar-free, has no artificial flavors, and tastes amazing in 6 unique flavors.

Everyday Fit™ is the best hydrating supplement on the market and is packed with 5 unique nutritional blends that help you hydrate faster, repair lean muscle, burn fat, feel happier and detoxify your body.

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My plan up until this point clearly sucked. I’d become overweight, was unhappy and had zero confidence. I needed to get focused, have insanely loud music and be uninterrupted when I worked out.

Perhaps you don’t like working out alone, find a bootcamp type environment, if you need accountability, get a coach, a workout buddy or an accountability partner. Point is, figure out what your ideal scenario is and then plan for it daily. 


There’s a lot of science to practicing gratitude and the shift in mindset can be dramatic. It’s one of those concepts that often gets overlooked and it’s the first thing we disregard when habits start to get out of control.

I purchased a leather bound journal and I write a minimum of 10 things every day that I am grateful for. In all honesty, you don’t need a lavish leather bound journal but, I know that I needed to “pay to play” or I wouldn’t give it the time and energy it deserves.


My schedule was nothing short of ridiculous and remember how much meditation was way outside of my comfort zone.

But I kept hearing only good things and decided to go all in. After downloading numerous apps I finally discovered an app that I truly enjoyed and I ended up sticking with it until this day. The app is called Balance if you’d like to give it a try yourself. 

So to recap on the 5 non-negotiables one more time, here they are below:

  1. Track your stats
  2. Drink a gallon of water or more a day
  3. Have a plan that works for you
  4. Practice gratitude
  5. Meditate

There’s an immense amount of noise out there. I found that it’s best to start small and focus first on stacking smaller wins. Remember to keep it simple. 

It’s worked for me. Do you believe trying any of today’s five habits can work for you too?

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