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3 Reasons Why Grit is More Important Than Motivation

Most people think they need “motivation” to achieve their fitness goals…

...but that creates a huge problem.

In fact, this problem is up there with sugar and processed foods. Like them, this problem is contributing to global rates of obesity and heart disease...which are ticking up every year.

See, too many people are relying on “motivation” and it’s leaving them stalled. They aren’t making progress in their fitness journeys...which means they’re backsliding. They’re backsliding into poor eating habits, holding onto extra weight, and feeling depressed.

That’s why today I’m going to show you why grit is WAY more powerful.

Starting with...

#1 - Emotions Come and Go

Have you ever laughed at a sad movie?

Or felt totally at peace in a chaotic situation? 

Or woke up in a funk even though your life was going good?

It turns out, our emotions are only sort of connected to our circumstances.

There are things in our environment that can trigger certain emotions…but for the most part, emotions come and go as they please.

Which is a problem, because motivation is just another emotion.

And if you try to use motivation as fuel in your fitness journey, it’s a complete gamble. 

GRIT, on the other hand, is about what you DO, not what you feel like.

It’s the ability to do what you NEED to do even when you don’t WANT to do it.

That’s the beauty of grit -- it allows you to make progress even on the days when you’re grumpy, tired, upset, or “not in the mood.” 

Because grit is not about your mood. 


#2 - You Can Strengthen Your Grit by Building Habits

Anyone can set a new habit at any time.

All it takes is a strong reason WHY and 30 days straight of repeating that habit.

Which is super easy when it comes to setting health and fitness habits. 

Because the alternative is...well, scary. 



When I talk about setting new habits, I don’t mean saying “I will now spend 5 hours in the gym every week.”

No way! That’s just not realistic.

In fact, the best way to build new habits -- and ultimately a whole new life -- is to start with the “low hanging fruit.”

What do I mean by that?


#3 - Anyone Can Succeed by Starting with the “Low Hanging Fruit”

Quick: what is the first thing you put in your body each morning?

For most people, the answer is “coffee” or “cereal” -- MAYBE a piece of fruit.

(Not the low hanging fruit, though. I’ll explain that in a moment.)

See, most people already have an unconscious habit around what they eat or drink first thing in the morning.

And it’s an incredibly easy habit to change -- once you recognize it.

All you have to do is take the old thing and stick that in the BACK of your fridge/cupboard…

...and then move your NEW thing to the front.

And what should that NEW thing be?


Yup, water.

As simple as that sounds, this ONE habit will have a profound effect on the rest of your day.

You’ll most likely drink MORE water just because that’s how you started...

...which means you’ll be less likely to have cravings for unhealthy snacks.

And your metabolism will run faster and smoother, meaning higher energy and more fat burning throughout the day.

And you’ll even have more control over those squirrely emotions we talked about earlier!

See, drinking water first thing in the morning is the perfect “low hanging fruit” habit.

It’s simple and easy to start doing, and it sets you up for other healthy habits throughout the day.

No motivation required!

Best of all, there’s a DELICIOUS water flavoring you can add to your water that’s completely sugar free.

Plus, it will take all those positive effects of water and supercharge them.

Everyday Fit™

Everyday Fit™ is a vitamin-enhanced super powder that dissolves easily in water and is a great replacement for sugary sodas or fruit juices. This water supplement has just 5 calories, is sugar-free, has no artificial flavors, and tastes amazing in 6 unique flavors.

Everyday Fit™ is the best hydrating supplement on the market and is packed with 5 unique nutritional blends that help you hydrate faster, repair lean muscle, burn fat, feel happier and detoxify your body.

Right now, you can save 20% off your next order + FREE shipping!

>>> Click here to get 20% off your next Everyday Fit™ order + free shipping

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